JBR M&A transactie
Tramarsa Flota - PSA Marine
JBR trad op als M&A adviseur voor Tramarsa Flota.
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PSA Marine koopt Tramarsa Flota en breidt diensten uit Latijns-Amerika
In februari 2020 is de Peruaanse Tramarsa Flota en haar dochtermaatschappijen, een bedrijf die havendiensten levert en onderdeel is van Grupo Romero, verkocht aan PSA Marine (Pte) Ltd.
Feiten en cijfers
Tramarsa Flota
Tramarsa Flota, the premier integrated port services company with presence along the entire coastline of Peru.
- Tramarsa Flotaprovides integrated port service offerings consisting of towage, pilotage, launch boats and offshore services in 10 major ports in Peru. It owns and operates a fleet of 45 vessels, including 17 tugs, 23 launch boats and five support vessels for diving activities
- JBR and Macroinvest, part of Global M&A, assisted Tramarsa Flotaand Grupo Romero as M&A advisor during the entire process
PSA Marine
PSA Marine, the leading marine services provider with flagship operations in Singapore.
- PSA Marine, is a leading harbourand terminal towage operator, and pilotage services provider. PSA Marine owns and operates more than 70 tugs and has presence in Peru, Bangladesh, China, Hong Kong, India, Oman and Southeast Asia. PSA Marine also provides crew transfer services for offshore wind market in Europe and Taiwan
- PSA Marine is a wholly owned subsidiary of PSA International Pte Ltd., a leading global port group with presence in 18 countries and 39 terminals in Asia, Europe, North and South America
12 februari 2020
PSA Marine (Pte) Ltd (“PSA Marine”) had completed the 100% acquisition of Tramarsa FlotaS.A. and its subsidiaries (“Tramarsa Flota”) in Peru from the Grupo Romero.
The Stock Purchase Agreement was signed by Mr Peter Chew, Managing Director of PSA Marine and Mr Marco Peschiera, CEO of Inversiones Piuranas S.A. and Grupo Piuranode Inversiones S.A., in Lima, Peru on 12 February 2020.
Tramarsa Flota was incorporated in 1994 and its head office is located in Lima, Peru. Tramarsa Flota is a premier port services company that provides an integrated service offering of towage, pilotage, launch boat and offshore services in 10 major ports along the Peruvian coastline. It owns 45 vessels, including 17 tugs, 23 launches and five support vessels for diving activities and other marine services, and is managed by a team of over 600 highly professional and dedicated people.